Enriched inner soul completes the externals
Friday, May 30, 2008
心 是屬於自己的
寂寞空虛的時候 可以找人寄託
謹能望梅止渴 畫餅充飢
給你我勇氣 向前走
沒有過去的你 也沒有未來的我們
生活中的遭遇 難免會讓我們對未來充滿憧憬
要改變目前的狀況 首先必須改變我們的想法
只要心靈富足 外在就會美好
Our heart belongs to ours
Protect it tenderly
When it is void or half-fulled
It can be fulfilled by another soul
No matter it is for temporary or long term
But what is not belong to us, we cannot demand for more
Reborn is the only solution
Stop complaining and demanding
Be strong to go through all these
Forgetting the past is not necessary
They are part of our life
Without the past, there won't be any future
Our current condition is a reflection of our past desire
Daily life's encounter might render us to change
To change the current situation
We have to change our mind
Only if we are sincere in our hope
Our dreams will come true
We do not have to pursue desirably for external wealth
Enriched inner soul will lead to fulfilled externals
Labels: Random Crap, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 12:58 PM, ,
Singing Competition 素男星光大道
Sunday, May 25, 2008
First Singing Competition for Vegetarian Boys was held in Dark Lane, Taipei City.
It was my first time participating in a singing competition, and i was very nervous as this was my first time singing in front of many audience, luckily no pitching, but very tiring...
My scores were always in the border line during every round, and yet managed to get into the final 4. Thanking the judges for being so mercy and the constructive comments, and thank you friends for your support.
A big thank you to Aaron, Edwin, Dr. Huang, Norman, Derek, A-Da and everyone.
Spontaneous supports from all of you making me feel so touch and proud.
I am very happy today for having all of you as my friends, not because of the trophy, it was merely a souvenir of participation.
Dessert Card from McD, i like this...
Mini pouch bag, since you like it so much, will give to Norman...
Other free vouchers, given to Edwin and Dr. Huang, since i am not free to go on the stated date...
Aaron, you sang gracefully today!
Wolf, you're really charming and popular!
第一屆素男星光大道歌唱比賽, 假台北市暗巷舉行.
這是我第一次參加歌唱比賽, 唱的時候很緊張,雖然沒有走音, 但卻很累...
雖然每次的分數都在邊緣,但是也能夠順利進入四強. 感謝評判對我的仁慈和你們的意見,也謝謝朋友們的支持.
你們這班即興的應援團, 讓我感動又自豪...
今天很開心, 因為有你們這一班朋友, 獎座僅是參賽的證據.
麥當勞的甜心卡, 這個最喜歡...
趴趴包, 既然你那麼想要, 送給阿源好了...
其他的優待卷, 送給阿溫小澤, 反正剛好那天沒空去...
裕峰, 你今天唱得很好喔!
Some captures of the day. 照片來了...
All the contestants 參賽者
Our great cameraman. 我們偉大的攝影師.
Concentrating on singing, actually is trembling...
很專心地唱, 其實很緊張...
Dr. Huang 小澤
Edwin 阿Win
Norman 阿源
Second round 第二回合
Third round duet with the judge 第三回合跟評判合唱
Didn't prepare for the song, but not difficult as it is a popular song...
都沒有準備, 由於是K歌, 所以表現還可以...
Finally i won a trophy, thank you for the votes.
結果我有得獎, 謝謝你們的投票啦...
What a surprise, never thought of it... 沒想過會得獎...
Norman and Bryan 兩個阿源
All the winners. 所有的得獎者.
Wolf, Orange, Weasley, Bryan and Aaron
小狼, 橘子, 衛斯理, 阿源, 裕峰.
Our beautiful scorekeeper, Derek. 漂亮的記分員, 俊毓!
Cavalleria 騎士
Charming Wolf 很有魅力的小狼
Autographes of supporters 應援團的簽名
Labels: Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 12:05 AM, ,
22nd May 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Today is our last seminar, and i don't have to take any seminar course any more. Congratulations to all of us.
So, at the end of today's seminar given by Prafulla, we had a small discussion with Jessica, our programme secretary. We were giving our opinions and suggestions regarding the course and how to improve for the coming year. Jessica was so nice that she ordered Pizza Hut for all of us. Ha! We were discussing the retreat and organising outing activities for all our classmates and juniors. Anyone who would like to join us? Can get to know more friends from foreign country, including me...
During lunch time, Shin-Huei was fetching us, Jessica, Yu-Hsin and me to buy drinks. I went to called Seok Kooi but she went for aerobic dance with her lab mate, hopefully exercising after heavy meal will cause no harm to her. We went to a shop (forgot which shop) at Nankang Road to buy the drink, I ordered chrysanthemum tea with honey and aloe vera, buy 1 free 1 promotion. Jessica paid for all of us, she is so nice!
I have to prepare for the singing competition this weekend (Norman will come along), and finish all the RNA Biology homework due on next Monday. Aaron, see you on Saturday!
It was very tired after taking pictures for Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) using the confocal microscope. Thank you Frank for your assistance! =)
今天是最後一堂的專題演講課, 所以以後我們都不需要再上課時給專題報告了. 恭喜大家!
所以, 當帕芙拉報告完畢, 我們跟分生所博士班能幹的學程秘書潔西卡,開個檢討會. 大家都樂意的給予各自的意見, 以便在下個年度學程的規畫會更臻完善. 潔西卡真好人, 她還訂了披薩給我們當午餐, 哈! 我們還討論了如何辦retreat還有一些戶外活動, 好讓同學們還有學弟妹們可以一起出去踏青, 聯絡感情. 有誰要加入我們的行列嗎? 一起認識國外的朋友啊..! 包括我啦...
在午休的時候,馨慧開車載潔西卡,聿忻和我出去買飲料. 我想跑去要琡貴一起去, 可是她跟實驗室的同事去跳有氧操, 剛吃飽了就去運動, 希望不會有事啦. 所以我們就到南港路的一家飲料店買(忘了店名).我點了一杯菊花蜜蘆薈, 買一送一. 接西卡真好人, 她請客唷!
接著我就要準備這個週末的個長比賽(Norman也要去看),還有把所有RNA生物的功課完成, 星期一要交. 寶貝裕峰, 星期六見囉!
今天用共焦顯微鏡拍IFA的照片, 很累喔... 非常感謝方堯的幫忙喔! =)
Labels: Academia Sinica, Institite of Molecular Biology, Taipei, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag, TIGP
posted by teopag @ 6:41 PM, ,
Meng's Graduation Exhibition 小孟的畢業展
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Visited graduation exhibition of Meng. link
去世貿看小孟的畢業展. 連結
This is the trailer of his film editing work, not his entire work.
這是他剪接的短片, 不是整個作品.
I cooked curry again for dinner today. Frank and Seok Kooi said nice, but last week one was more delicious... >.< 今天晚餐我又煮咖哩. 方堯和琡貴說好吃, 不過上個星期煮的比較好吃啦... >.<
Labels: Taipei, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 9:39 PM, ,
17th May 2008 Wulai half-day trip 烏來半日遊
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Waiting for MRT to Xindian Station, then change bus to Wulai.
在等捷運去新店站, 然後轉公車去烏來.
Wulai old street 烏來老街
She was looking at me when i took the picture, seems like don't like people to take picture without permission (from her facial expression). She said something but i didn't got it because i was listening to the iPod... Ha!
這個阿姨在我拍照的時候一直看著我, 好像不太喜歡別人偷拍她(從她的表情解讀). 她有對我說些什麼, 可是我沒有聽到, 因為當時在戴耳機聽歌, 哈!
My favourite, stinky bean curd. 我最喜歡的臭豆腐.
Oh i see... 原來是這樣...
These hotspring eggs were selling everywhere, looked like must-have food, with special taste.
這些溫泉雞蛋到處都在賣, 好像非吃不可, 味道特別.
Keep on walking... 繼續走...
So many people playing around the hot stream. i touched the water, it's hot.
很多人在野溪溫泉嬉水. 河水是熱的.
They are cute. 他們都很可愛.
Going to ride on the small train. NT50 per trip, no discount for student, army or police, so expensive, the travelling time is less than 5 minutes.
去坐臺車. 一躺50塊, 學生軍警都沒有優惠, 好貴... 全程才5分鐘不到.
The railway track is next to the Lovers Walk. 臺車軌道是沿著情人步道的.
Arrived at the waterfall station. 到了瀑布站.
Wulai waterfall 烏來瀑布
So romantic, we can still travel together after many years.
好浪漫喔, 多年以後我們也可以一起出遊.
Bamboo rice with groundnuts and mushrooms, NT50. Not nice, don't eat.
有花生和香菇的竹筒飯, 50塊錢. 不好吃, 下次不要去吃.
Since it is near, might as well walk back through the Lovers Walk... Travelling on the small train was too expensive.
既然沒有很遠, 就沿著情人步道走回去吧. 臺車50塊太貴了...
What a long queue, so many people buying the sausage, really that delicious meh?!
那麼多人排隊買香腸, 真的那麼好吃嗎?!
If you are "malas", how to make so many handicrafts? ("Malas" in Malay means lazy)
倘若你很malas, 可以做出那麼多手工藝品嗎? ("Malas"在馬來文係懶惰之意)
Don't know nice or not, it's expensive so i didn't try.
不曉得好不好吃, 由於太貴所以沒有買來吃.
Back to Taipei Main Station (Not Xindian MRT Station) by bus, NT70. To Xindian is NT40, then have to travel by MRT. I slept along the way, luckily i didn't over sleep.
坐公車會台北, 70塊, 直接到台北車站, 坐到新店捷運站是40塊. 一路上我都睡著了, 還好沒有忘了下車.
Labels: Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag, Vacation
posted by teopag @ 11:07 PM, ,