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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!

22nd May 2008

Today is our last seminar, and i don't have to take any seminar course any more. Congratulations to all of us.
So, at the end of today's seminar given by Prafulla, we had a small discussion with Jessica, our programme secretary. We were giving our opinions and suggestions regarding the course and how to improve for the coming year. Jessica was so nice that she ordered Pizza Hut for all of us. Ha! We were discussing the retreat and organising outing activities for all our classmates and juniors. Anyone who would like to join us? Can get to know more friends from foreign country, including me...
During lunch time, Shin-Huei was fetching us, Jessica, Yu-Hsin and me to buy drinks. I went to called Seok Kooi but she went for aerobic dance with her lab mate, hopefully exercising after heavy meal will cause no harm to her. We went to a shop (forgot which shop) at Nankang Road to buy the drink, I ordered chrysanthemum tea with honey and aloe vera, buy 1 free 1 promotion. Jessica paid for all of us, she is so nice!
I have to prepare for the singing competition this weekend (Norman will come along), and finish all the RNA Biology homework due on next Monday. Aaron, see you on Saturday!
It was very tired after taking pictures for Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) using the confocal microscope. Thank you Frank for your assistance! =)

今天是最後一堂的專題演講課, 所以以後我們都不需要再上課時給專題報告了. 恭喜大家!
所以, 當帕芙拉報告完畢, 我們跟分生所博士班能幹的學程秘書潔西卡,開個檢討會. 大家都樂意的給予各自的意見, 以便在下個年度學程的規畫會更臻完善. 潔西卡真好人, 她還訂了披薩給我們當午餐, 哈! 我們還討論了如何辦retreat還有一些戶外活動, 好讓同學們還有學弟妹們可以一起出去踏青, 聯絡感情. 有誰要加入我們的行列嗎? 一起認識國外的朋友啊..! 包括我啦...
在午休的時候,馨慧開車載潔西卡,聿忻和我出去買飲料. 我想跑去要琡貴一起去, 可是她跟實驗室的同事去跳有氧操, 剛吃飽了就去運動, 希望不會有事啦. 所以我們就到南港路的一家飲料店買(忘了店名).我點了一杯菊花蜜蘆薈, 買一送一. 接西卡真好人, 她請客唷!
接著我就要準備這個週末的個長比賽(Norman也要去看),還有把所有RNA生物的功課完成, 星期一要交. 寶貝裕峰, 星期六見囉!
今天用共焦顯微鏡拍IFA的照片, 很累喔... 非常感謝方堯的幫忙喔! =)

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posted by teopag @ 6:41 PM,


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