My room on 22nd April 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
After printing some nice photos last weekend, it is time to put them on the wall.
While studying, they can remind me of those happy moments i spent together with friends and family.
Be happy always!
在念書的時候, 那些照片可以讓我回想起當初跟家人朋友相聚的開心時刻, 好開心喔!
So decorative, please be focus on what you are doing ok...!
那麼眼花撩亂, 要專心喔!
Labels: Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 1:57 PM,
- At 6:47 PM, said...
Wah, so neat kah? I think I saw my photo too :)