Finally i can use back my MSN messenger!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Finally i can use back my MSN messenger!!!
After all those important datelines over, i decided to format my laptop. It was an easy job actually, you just have to backup all your important data. After install back all those necessary softwares, i realised that i have forgotten the password of my Windows Live ID.... >.< making me cannot sign in to MSN.
當所有重要的事情結束後, 我打算把我的筆電重灌. 那其實是件很簡單的事, 僅需備分所有重要的資料即可. 正當我把那些有用到的程序重新安裝後, 竟然發現我把 Windows Live ID 的密碼給忘了...>.< 這樣就不能上MSN 了.
Those password reset link sent by the customer support was not useful, either being used or expired link, so i have to fill in the form to tell the Microsoft Customer Service my problem. Their service was quite professional and efficient, they replied my mail within 24 hours and provided me detailed instrcutions to reset my password. So now i can use my MSN back again! :)
儘管我依照指示重新設置我的密碼, 但是那些寄來的連結都不管用, 就說那些連結已經用過或者過期了.., 那我就只好填表格寄到微軟客服中心告訴他們我的問題. 他們的服務非常專業且有效率, 在24小時內就聯絡上我, 然後還給予清楚的指示如何設置新密碼. 所以現在我可以重新使用MSN 啦! :)
My advice to all of you:
(1) Remember your password.
(2) Remember what you have filled in your account registration, those informations are important for verifications.
(1) 記住你的密碼
(2) 記住你當初申請帳號所填寫的資料, 那些是用來核對你的資料的.
Another useful tip: Do not simply open any links sent by your friends or accepting any weird files, those might be viruses which will hack into your account and cause you lots of troubles. Even though by changing the password after being infected can settle the problem (that's what i did last time), but make sure you remember your new password (that's what i didn't).
另外, 請不要隨便開啟任何你友人所傳給你的連結或檔案, 那些有可能是病毒, 會骇進你的系統然後造成你困擾的東西. 雖然遭感染後換掉密碼可以解決類似的事情(那正是我當初做的), 但是就一定要記得你的新密碼(這就是我沒做到的).
Labels: MSN, Teoh Pak Guan
posted by teopag @ 5:22 PM,
- At 11:23 PM, XCB said...
wei... my blog has changed already..n u still putting up that ancient blog ah... yo..
ok.. i comment as the new blogger...haha...yes i finally join blogspot..keke..easier n less password to memorize - At 11:25 PM, said...
sorry.. i disable my profile..hahaha