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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!

Singing Competition 素男星光大道

First Singing Competition for Vegetarian Boys was held in Dark Lane, Taipei City.
It was my first time participating in a singing competition, and i was very nervous as this was my first time singing in front of many audience, luckily no pitching, but very tiring...
My scores were always in the border line during every round, and yet managed to get into the final 4. Thanking the judges for being so mercy and the constructive comments, and thank you friends for your support.
A big thank you to Aaron, Edwin, Dr. Huang, Norman, Derek, A-Da and everyone.
Spontaneous supports from all of you making me feel so touch and proud.

I am very happy today for having all of you as my friends, not because of the trophy, it was merely a souvenir of participation.
Dessert Card from McD, i like this...
Mini pouch bag, since you like it so much, will give to Norman...
Other free vouchers, given to Edwin and Dr. Huang, since i am not free to go on the stated date...

Aaron, you sang gracefully today!
Wolf, you're really charming and popular!

第一屆素男星光大道歌唱比賽, 假台北市暗巷舉行.
這是我第一次參加歌唱比賽, 唱的時候很緊張,雖然沒有走音, 但卻很累...
雖然每次的分數都在邊緣,但是也能夠順利進入四強. 感謝評判對我的仁慈和你們的意見,也謝謝朋友們的支持.
你們這班即興的應援團, 讓我感動又自豪...

今天很開心, 因為有你們這一班朋友, 獎座僅是參賽的證據.
麥當勞的甜心卡, 這個最喜歡...
趴趴包, 既然你那麼想要, 送給阿源好了...
其他的優待卷, 送給阿溫小澤, 反正剛好那天沒空去...

裕峰, 你今天唱得很好喔!

Some captures of the day. 照片來了...

All the contestants 參賽者

Our great cameraman. 我們偉大的攝影師.

Concentrating on singing, actually is trembling...
很專心地唱, 其實很緊張...

Dr. Huang 小澤

Edwin 阿Win

Norman 阿源

Second round 第二回合

Third round duet with the judge 第三回合跟評判合唱
Didn't prepare for the song, but not difficult as it is a popular song...
都沒有準備, 由於是K歌, 所以表現還可以...

Finally i won a trophy, thank you for the votes.
結果我有得獎, 謝謝你們的投票啦...

What a surprise, never thought of it... 沒想過會得獎...

Norman and Bryan 兩個阿源

All the winners. 所有的得獎者.

Wolf, Orange, Weasley, Bryan and Aaron
小狼, 橘子, 衛斯理, 阿源, 裕峰.

Our beautiful scorekeeper, Derek. 漂亮的記分員, 俊毓!

Cavalleria 騎士

Charming Wolf 很有魅力的小狼

Autographes of supporters 應援團的簽名

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posted by teopag @ 12:05 AM,


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