Hi, Yee Peng! 久違的宜斌
Sunday, August 30, 2009
These days i have been swarmed with lab works and the oral presentation preparation work. Yesterday night i went to Funky with Hank, quite relaxed but my body ended up with lots of cigarrette smoke smell...
最近都為了即將來臨的實驗成果報告演講忙得不可開交. 昨晚還跟阿漢去跳舞, 蠻不錯的, 不過身體卻充滿了菸酒味...
Yee Peng is having his job assignment in Taipei for few months, and finally i got to meet him today... We went to Neihu for lunch. We had lunch in a Japanese restaurant, Jessica is right, the food is so so only... but there were not much choices in that area. We were chatted after lunch for quite a while and realised that we were occupying the dining place, so we changed to Starbucks to continue the conversation. We recalled many old school time stories and sharing some working experience over these years. Hmmm., i think it has been almost 10 years we didn't see each other. How many 10-years do we have in a lifetime? It is really excited meeting old friends from home country in a foreign country. There are few more to come in the next few months, haha...
宜斌來臺北出差幾個月, 我們今天終於見面了, 約了到內湖用午餐. 那間哈拉影城附近的日本定食餐廳的東西不好吃, 小潔說得對, 只可惜那邊吃的選擇不多... 用完餐後我們聊了很久, 後來發現好像佔了餐桌由一段時間, 所以就轉移陣地到隔壁的星巴克繼續哈拉... 我們聊了很多昔日學校的一些趣事, 也分享了各自的一些工作經驗... 嗯, 看來我們也太久沒見面了, 也快十年了吧... 其實能夠在異鄉跟家想的老朋友碰面相聚, 是件高興的事... 人生又有多少個十年呢? 接下來的幾個月還有幾個要來臺北... 哈!
Labels: Friends, Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 6:26 PM,
Benny's birthday 小澤生日
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Today is Benny's birthday. He invited us to join his birthday celebration. We went for singing at Party Box KTV at Ximending.
Besides his friends, Aaron, Mark, Uncle Michael were there as well.
去的除了有小澤和他的朋友小豬, 阿漢, 小喬外, 還有小天, 冰塊, 大叔和我.
This is Benny. 這是小澤.
Mark, did he looked like Jeff Chen? Haha..
冰塊, 像陳昭榮嗎? 哈哈..
I haven't seen Aaron for 2 months. 快兩個月沒見小天了...
It has been a while i didn't go out from Nankang area. Ximending is the furthest place i have ever go in these few weeks. Orz..
Anyway, all of us enjoyed very much tonight. Thanks Benny.
Happy birthday to you.
Hmmm, you are 30 years old now, i will join you in next few months.
西門町是我這幾個禮拜來去過最遠的地方 囧
三十而立, 再過幾個月我也加入你的行列...
Today is also a "special" day for love couples, all these single guys went to your party were free from the feeling of emptiness and jealousy for being a bachelor.
今天也是七夕情人節, 去你的生日會, 不必在外面被人拋閃光彈, 哈!
Labels: Friends, Happy Birthday, Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 11:59 PM,
Sungha Jung
Monday, August 24, 2009
This is Sungha Jung from Korea, a talented 13-year old guitarist. It was a eye-popping and jaw-dropping experience after watching his performance.
這是一個來自韓國13歲的吉他神童, 鄭成河. 看了他的演出讓我膛目結舌.
Billie Jean (...not Lolly Jean 唔係攞嚟賤啦)
You can watch his performances here.
His 他的Twitter.
Labels: Music, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 7:51 PM,
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
(轉載) 給風災中受創的人們一點溫暖吧!
Labels: Charity, Pingtung, Tainan, Taitung, Taiwan, Typhoon
posted by teopag @ 3:31 PM,
8th August 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Ok, today is the Father's Day for Taiwan. We usually celebrate on the third Sunday of June. Share with you the McDull video on father's love...
今天是臺灣的父親節(88跟爸爸諧音), 通常我們是在六月的第三個星期天情祝父親節. 跟大家分享麥兜的短片, 講述父親的愛. 哈哈哈哈...
Today is also Faye Wong's 40th birthday, let's listen to her old songs written by herself 15 years ago...
今天也是王菲40歲的生日, 聽聽她15年前的舊作品 討好自己.
作詞:王菲 作曲:王菲
討好自己 現實逃避 不知不覺 抽離
漫天的是非 做我的真理
一團和氣 處事道理 遮遮掩掩 臉皮
其實都自卑 其實都自欺
其實都自卑 其實都自欺
討好自己 現實逃避 不知不覺 飄離
Labels: Faye Wong, Music, Random Crap, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 1:40 AM,
6th August 2009
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Today i met my old friend Koh Mee in Taipei. He came here for conference with his colleagues for a week. We had a simple lunch at Lane 30 near MRT Taipei City Hall Station. Ha, he didn't change much, exactly the same when i met him in Singapore three years ago.
Tomorrow there will be a holiday for people who works in Taipei City.
Typhoon is coming..., yeah! Most of us are waiting for this holiday. We still haven had any typhoon holiday yet so far. Haha...
SK supposed to take her Qualifying Exam today, but one of her examiners cannot make it and only informed during last minutes, so she will have to wait till end of August to take the exam. Oh, she would have to prolong her tension, or perhaps she can take this opportunity to read more for her exam. Tension, tension, and tension...
My another friend who is taking this exam today failed before even presenting his non-thesis proposal in front of the examiners. The reason is quite ridiculous, at least to me.
The examiners found out that he plagiarisized on the introduction part of his written proposal. Perhaps they found language style on the introduction part is not the same with the other parts of his proposal. But then, don't we should refer to papers for writing the introduction part? Perhaps my friend didn't change all the sentences.
Frankly, now i think i was lucky when taking this exam last year. At least i can answered most of the questions they asked. And perhaps none of the examiners are working on the field which i proposed. Hmmm...
I have no idea what would i feel if i failed.., leaving the course or read more to improve the non-thesis proposal. Similar pressure would prolong which might affecting your daily life and it is not good at all. I have heard enough how they fail the students all the while. Some is because of the student attitude or less preparation, some are merely because they "feel" we are not qualified... However, they are also nice examiners who really want to help us to pass the exam. Quite emotion huh?
The qualifying exam is not a game, the pressure we face when taking this exam is extremely high (at least to me), because once we failed for the first time, we would have to retake within 6 months (we have to work on our thesis work and this non-thesis proposal concurrently). And if we fail again, we will have to leave the course.
For those who intended to do PhD for the sake of earning the degree only, think wisely before you decide to pursue your PhD in Taiwan.
Labels: Food, Friends, Laboratory, Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag, TIGP
posted by teopag @ 6:30 PM,