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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!

8th August 2008

It was a conditional pass for my qualifying exam...meaning that i have to correct the proposal which i submited earlier. Due to time constrain and tension, most of us simply submited the written proposal before the dateline, and aiming for good presentation during the exam day. Actually presentation is more important than what you wrote, because they will not going to read your proposal, they will wait until the day you present your non-thesis proposal. They will only read on the spot when they have doubt on what you say. My flow of presentation was far more better than what is written in the proposal. I was asked to give a revised proposal in 2 weeks time.
After passing the exam, Empress was away to Berlin for two weeks. I went to Hualien with lab mates, Lugang and Taipei tour with friends. Of course i did go to lab as usual doing cloning. So till the last three days, only really sit down to work on the proposal... so bad...
By closing one eyes, quickly do the correction according to what is in my presentation slides, and submited on the last day.
Dr.Tsay has read my proposal and commented i didn't get what they mean.
The evidence of my first hypothesis was weak, even though it sounds logic. She hopes i could write a better one, but then she said it's okay. So i don't have to do anything. Passed!!! Yeah!!!
Aiya.., passed already, the rest is not important anymore... ;p

I was elected as the student representative of MCB by Jessica, since no one has been nominated. I took this as a volunteery work to ease the burden of Jessica and Linda. It is indeed an honour to have this opportunity to learn and gain this extra-curricula experience during my stay in IMB. Perhaps it will sharpen my soft skill and personality which are essential in the future working environment. Hopefully it will not cause a lot of problem for me, the most important concern is that it will not affect the progress of my labwork. Just representing MCB, not the whole TIGP, that one will give way to others.

Today is the opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olmypic Games...
2008-08-08 20:08:08

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posted by teopag @ 2:31 AM,


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