Ice Kacang Puppy Love 初戀紅豆冰
Sunday, August 08, 2010
I went to watch "Ice Kacang Puppy Love" again for the second time yesterday.
Actually i was being tempted by this set of postcards.
昨天去看了<初戀紅豆冰>, 第二次看.
其實, 是為了這一組明信片.
Haha.., hopefully with all the promotion events and testimonials from the celebrities, this homemade film will hit the box office in Taiwan.
希望在那麼多的宣傳活動以及眾多明星好友的加持下, 這部家鄉的電影, 能夠在台灣發光發熱!
Labels: Malaysia, Movie, Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 1:49 PM,