Saturday 星期六
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Let's coo curry!
First, heat up the pan and add some vegetable oil. Stir fry some finely-chhopped onions till fragrant.
首先把鍋子加熱, 然後放入食油. 放入洋蔥碎, 油爆至香
Add the curry paste and fry until aromatic.
放入咖哩醬, 拌煮至香.
Add chicken and potatoes (cubes), mix well and fry until the meat became tender.
加入雞肉和馬鈴薯, 拌煮至雞肉熟
Add water or coconut milk and simmer till boil. Stir once a while and add condiments for taste.
加水(或椰漿)煮至滾, 偶爾攪拌...調味.
And it is ready to serve!
The porridge is cooked by Meiji using previous ingredients.
This is our lunch for today.
Labels: Food, Life, Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 10:21 PM,