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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!

Elephant Hill 象山

The "four-animal" hill in Taipei City, named Elephant, Lion, Leopard, and Tiger...
(I don't know why the names are themed with animals...)
We went to the Elephant Hill near the Yongchun High School.
The hill was well-organised with proper walking tracks and resting points.
It is the normal recreation area for the locals, especially during the morning exercise hour.
臺北市的四獸山, 有“象山”、“狮山”、“豹山”及“虎山”..
登山步道很有規劃, 是台北市民的休閒地點, 尤其是早上晨運的時候.

The scenery along the way was nice. The whole view of Taipei City was very clear and beautiful.
Normally people will gather there at New Year Eve watching the fireworks show just to avoid the crowd at Taipei 101.
沿途的風景很美, 可以遠眺整個台北市, 一覽無遺.
通常會有很多人在元旦前夕聚集在象山觀看台北101放的煙火表演, 不必到現場去擠.

Max took this picture for me, feel so good. ^^
阿宏幫我拍的這張照片很有感覺. ^^

This is Max and Shu.

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posted by teopag @ 8:41 PM,


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