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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!


肆曾相拾 建中口琴社音樂發表會
Harmonica Club Members of 40th Graduation Badge of Jian Guo High School Musical Performance

功學社復興店 KHS music

This was the first time watching a musical instrument show, with various types of harmonica.
It was actually a reunion performance for Aaron's high school harmonica club members.
I found it was very meaningful, old friends gathered together and went through familiar experience again after graduating for many years.
Parents, teachers and friends were attending and they seemed to be enjoy very much.
這是我第一次觀賞單一樂器的音樂演奏會, 由很多種不同的口琴組成... 其實是小天的高中時口琴社的音樂發表會, 算是他們畢業後的口琴社成員聚會吧... 我覺得這樣蠻有意義的, 老朋友聚集在一起, 重溫以前的點滴, 尤其是在畢業後那麼多年, 還在一起吹口琴表演.
家長, 老師以及朋友們都很開心, 也很享受!

I was a bit worried that i would fall asleep for this kind of musical performance show, but i enjoyed it very much.
Initially was coming for giving Aaron a support, but it was impressive and spectacular.
Although it was not a professional performance and they claimed that they can play better years ago, it was their spirit that impressed all the audience.
原本我還蠻擔心的, 因為怕聽不懂...不會欣賞而睡著了, 可是我想太多了, 我非但沒有睡著, 而且還很享受呢. 原本說要來支持小天的, 但是這場音樂會實在是很精彩, 也叫人感動. 儘管這不是一場專業級的演奏會, 而且他們還說高中時的表演水平比較高, 可就是他們之間的團隊精神以及對口琴的熱愛, 感動了在場的所有觀眾.

Good work buddy!! 朋友, 好樣的!

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posted by teopag @ 10:24 PM,


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