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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!

A night with Pchy 與皮相聚的一夜

One of the actors of Love of Siam came to Taiwan for promotion. He is Witwisit Hiranyawongkul, another actor Mario Maurer didn't come.
He had a small session with his fans at Ximending Red Building. I am happy to be there to meet him, he gave me the same impression as i watched the movie last time. So decent and cute. I met some old friends and also get to know some new friends over there.
電影<暹邏之戀>的男主角之一, 藉著電影在台灣上映之際來到台北宣傳. 他是維特維斯特·海倫亞沃恩酷, 另一位男主角馬里奧·毛瑞爾沒來. 他與影迷們在西門町紅樓有一個小聚會. 很開心能夠在那邊看到他本人, 他的本人給我的感覺跟在看電影裡沒有兩樣... 清純可愛.
在那邊也認識一些新朋友, 也遇到一些舊朋友...

He is so cute... 他很可愛喔... ^^

We took the photo together... 我們合照啦...

Ian is one of the fans out there too...

They said our smile looked alike... Orz
他們說我笑起來的樣子跟他很像... 囧 應該是他像我, 我年紀比他大... >.<

Really??!! 有很像嗎??!!

Norman, Mario, Witwisit, Bryan 跟男主角合照

Official website
It is a nice movie, i watched it for three times and got touched every time. It is a love story encompasses family relationship, friendship, and lovers. The soundtracks are nice too!
這是一部很值得看的電影, 我看了三次, 每次都很感動. 他是一部關於親情, 友情及愛情之愛的電影. 電影配樂也很好聽!

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posted by teopag @ 1:37 AM,


At 1:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, from end to front view the photo, jz feel the artist is familiar ... and when u indicate 'Love Of Siam' this movie, let me refresh and really miss the movie with the touch story ... the movie is totally didnt publish in Malaysia and it actually borrow from Teow last year.


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