Michael's Birthday Party 大叔生日派對
Friday, October 10, 2008
Next Thursday is Michael's birthday, but it falls on a working day. Most of us will not be available on that day.
Since Max said birthday celebration can not be delayed, so we plan to celebrate for Michael today.
In the night before, two of us went to buy a birthday cake for Michael at Sogo.
We decided to go to Party Box KTV today for the celebration. Oh ya, today is also the National Day for Taiwan, doubled-tenth day.
I was late for 10 minutes, and Wolf was waiting for me at the KTV entrance.
Michael and Max were inside waiting for us.
Four of us started to sing first. About 30 minutes later, Ken arrived.
下個星期四是大叔的生日, 可就是工作天, 大部分的人都沒空. 阿宏也說慶祝生日不能夠延遲, 只能提早, 所以就在打算今天幫大叔搞個慶生趴. 前一天晚上, 我們兩個就到忠孝復興的Sogo買生日蛋糕.
我們約好了到錢櫃敦南店唱歌, 順便慶祝. 喔對了, 今天是雙十節, 臺灣國慶日.
早上我就遲到了10分鐘, 到了錢櫃就看到有個帥哥在門口等我, 是小狼啦... 原來大叔跟阿宏已經在裡面等了. 我們四個就先開始點歌來唱, 約半小時後, 文璋也來了...
Michael and Max 大叔跟阿宏合照
Me and Wolf 跟小狼合照
Taken with Max 這個是跟阿宏啦..
This is Ken... what are you looking at? 文璋..你在看什麼呀?
Michael 大叔的臺風
Ken 文璋的陶醉
Wolf 小狼的深情
Taken with Ken 這是跟文璋的合照
We chose our favourite songs and sang together.
After Edwin arrived, we sang the birthday song for Michael.
我們都選了各自喜歡的歌曲, 然後在一起唱. 阿溫到了, 我們就開始唱生日歌啦...
He was touched and his tear just burst off on the spot.
大叔很感動, 當場眼淚就不聽使喚流出來了...
He said he never had a birthday party before, especially celebrating with his closed friends together.
Actually all of us are good friends, we share our feelings and care for each other.
I was blessed for having them as my friends making my life in Taiwan extra-ordinary and fantastic.
他說從小到大都沒有辦過生日會, 尤其是跟一班好朋友一起慶祝.
其實我們都是好朋友啦, 分享日常生活的點滴, 也互相照應, 互相關心彼此. 我覺得認識了你們是我的福氣, 有你們這班朋友, 讓我在臺灣的生活多姿多采, 充滿意義!
Well, this is the cake. 這是大叔給我的蛋糕.
You want to feed me is it? I am waiting... 你要餵我吃喔, 好啊... ^^
Huh, no??!! Don't be like that... 啊, 不要這樣啦...
Taken with Edwin 跟阿溫的合照
After singing for 4 hours, we went for a late lunch with other friends. After that, we went to hot spring at Beitou.
唱了將近四小時, 也過了午餐時間, 我們就跟其他朋友會合吃午餐. 過後, 就到北投泡溫泉.
This is the place we went, called 川湯.
Not bad actually, a nice experience. Being naked for the first time in front of all my friends...
Of course guys only, naked girls are at the next premise. Haha...
We stayed there for 2 hours... looking around, doing "heat-shock transformation" (putting ourselves into cold and hot pools alternately), went for jacuzzi and steam room once a while and chit-chatting...
Camera ran out of battery, so no pictures were taken after the singing session. Ha!
這是我們去的地方啦, 川湯.
還不錯, 很好的經驗. 第一次在熟的朋友面前裸露, 坦誠相見...
當然那只是男湯, 女湯在隔壁, 那邊才有裸女辣妹看... 呵呵...
我們也泡了兩個小時... 東張西望, 冷熱池間泡 (好像在做熱休克轉化實驗, 把載體送入菌裡一樣...^^), 按摩池觀摩, 蒸氣室裡通鼻塞, 當然還有聊個天南地北...
照相機沒電了, 所以在唱完歌後就沒有拍到照片. 哈!
Labels: Friends, Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 11:24 PM,