Malaysia Elections 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Thank you Kean Jin for the song, it really cheer me up after working in the lab.
This modified song "Sha La La La La" done by Allan and Indi is really funny .
Sit back and enjoy the song in conjunction with Malaysian 12th General Election which will be held on 8th of March 2008, which is also International Women's Day, and the birthday of Frank and Cheah Wei.
ELECTIONS Blah blah blah
Dear Malaysians, please vote wisely for our future... for our past generation, this generation and the next generation!!
Deny BN 2/3 majority and practice the real democracy.
Just change! Berubah! 改变!
Remember, we are always a secular country with mulriracial people, do not manipulate by those idiot politicians who are intent to create harmony or unity tensions among us.
Rukun Negara 国家原则 (National Principles):
1. Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan 信奉上苍 (Believe in God)
2. Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara 忠于君国 (Loyalty to King and Country)
3. Keluhuran Perlembagaan 维护宪法 (Upholding the Constitution)
4. Kedaulatan Undang-Undang 遵崇法治 (Rule of Law)
5. Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan 培养德行 (Good Behavior and Morality)
I am so happy that our cilipadi Fong Po Kuan has made her decision back to continue to represent the voices of Batu Gajah voters and all Malaysians in Parliament!!! Let the rocket shoot the balance..!!
posted by teopag @ 2:45 AM,