Happy Chinese New Year 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Happy Lunar New Year!
Wish all the Chinese worldwide Happy Chinese New Year and Gong Xi fa Cai!
Wish all of us best of health, wealth, luck and wisdom all year round.
新年進步 新年快乐
身體健康 身体健康
一本萬利 一本万利
心想事成 心想事成
萬事如意 万事如意
財源廣進 财源广进
恭喜發財 恭喜发财
奮發圖強創大業 奋发图强创大业
學不自滿求創新 学不自满求创新
窮而有志思壯舉 穷而有志思壮举
For all the graduate students, all the best in your study and research and a lot of papers all year round!
Labels: Chinese New Year
posted by teopag @ 2:44 PM,
- At 3:59 PM, said...
身体安康,万事如意, 吉祥如意,恭喜发财
- At 12:10 AM, said...
Hello... a bit late. Happy New Year anyway :)