Hammerhead Ribozyme
Friday, January 25, 2008
Hammerhead ribozyme
...a small self-cleavage RNA with a conserved motif
...is not a true enzyme in its natural state (so it cannot catalyse multiple turnover)
...the cleavage is autocatalytic
...in the absence of protein enzymes
It works in our experimental design!!! Yeah! ...that's for empress's talk.
We came out with the idea during discussion and she was font to design the experiment and asked me to do it within a month. Luckily it works! ^^
I am still working my poster.
A big thank you to senior HZS for guiding me all the way doing the experiments. I was totally new in this area.
Labels: 3517, Academia Sinica, IMB, Institite of Molecular Biology, Laboratory, Teoh Pak Guan, TIGP
posted by teopag @ 10:30 PM,