This is not the Faye i like... 這不是我喜歡的王菲
Thursday, May 07, 2009
This is not the Faye i like...
Where is your album?
Buy shampoo and get a limited poster for free... What is this? Pay for the shampoo or your poster..?!
Faster sing and let us listen to your beautiful voice.
It's been ages you didn't open your second mouth already even though you still standing still while singing in live...
買洗髮精可以換妳的限量海報一張... 怎麼會這樣?? 是買洗精還是純粹為了海報..?!
快點開金口讓我們聽妳那天籟的歌聲吧. 妳已經很久都沒用妳那第二張口來唱歌了, 縱使妳演唱時還是習慣站立不動...
Labels: Faye Wong, Music, Random Crap, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 6:47 PM,