27th April 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Recently i found that it is hard to trust anyone, i mean my friends, especially these days people are chatting through Windows Live Messenger, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk, Skype and etc.
The content of the conversation has been copy and paste to third party. So, what you have told and comment on something is being seen by third party especially those who are not suppose to know anything on what you said.
I have done this before and has been warned by one of my friends, he said if the person knew what i have done, it might be the end of the friendship. So since that day, i have never do that again.
最近我發現周遭的人都很難讓我去相信他們, 尤其是目前最夯的網路線上聊天, 如MSN, 即時通, 孤狗, Skype等.
跟朋友的聊天內容, 會被剪貼到另一個人的聊天視窗, 尤其是有些內容是不應該讓第三者知道的.
從前我也做過類似的事, 後來有個朋友阿元警告我說, 如果這些舉動被他人知道後, 那麼兩個人得友情就會受到考驗, 我可不能把跟朋友之間的感情開玩笑. 自從那次以後, 我就沒有再做過類似的事了.
So, you might told your friends in-person on certain things such as your secrets. And one day, Chun called to tell me that he heard something bad about me out there, people are gossipping about my life style and behavior. Darn, he heard from someone who is just a hi-bye friend of mine. The person knows nothing about me but my name. What is your intention to slander me in front of friends? Chun told me not to trust anyone, and do not tell anyone on what i have done especially those i do not want others to know about, obviously someone had spread the rumour. Now i am so confused, what are friends for?
那麼, 你也許會面對面跟朋友聊些事情, 甚至告訴他某些秘密. 直到有一天, 大鼎打電話跟我說, 聽到外面有人傳我的不是, 說我的私生活以及行為不太好. 幹, 最扯的是那個人只是一個普通的朋友, 他除了知道我叫阿源外就什麼都不知道, 憑什麼給我這樣的評價!? 還在那麼多朋友面前. 大鼎叫我不要相信太多的人, 也不要輕易向別人提起某些事情, 尤其是那些不想讓別人知道的事, 很明顯這些是被人亂傳出去的. 我很困擾了, 那朋友是要來幹嘛的?
I have been telling what other people told me to third party before, and thinking that was just secret sharing among good friends. Obviously i was wrong, that was unethical. Your friends trusted you and that's why they told you, and in return you were telling some third parties. So now i got my karma of "betraying" my friends, what i give is what i get return.
也許我曾經把別人告訴我的事情告訴第三者, 當時還以為這是好朋友之間的秘密交換. 很明顯的, 我錯了! 那是很不道德的事! 朋友相信你, 才把他們的事情告訴你, 而你去把它告訴第三者. 所以我現在算是為我對朋友的背叛與出買二付出一點代價了.
Some people told me that is just different perception and point of view for diffeent people. What you think is okay might not be okay for others, and vice versa.
每個人對事情都有不同的認知與觀點. 你能夠接受的事情, 別人不一定能夠接受; 相對的別人能夠接受的事情, 我們也未必能夠接受.
I have been learning on how to deal with everyone, especially to those who doesn't share common interest with me. I believe everyone is identical and we have to learn on how to live together with different kind of people. By following this phylosophy, i am blessed to have some good buddies who always care for me. But now, i think i have to keep distance with certain people, not to accept everyone into your life. They might ruin your life.
一直以來, 我都學習去跟每個人好好相處, 尤其是那些跟我話不投機的人. 我相信每個人都是不同的個體, 我們必須在生活中學會包容每一個人, 好好跟每一個人相處. 本著這樣的信念, 我得到不少關心我的好朋友. 但是現在, 我覺得還是有必要跟某些人保持距離, 不要把自己的生活大門打開讓每個人都進來. 有些人會把你的生活弄得一團糟.
Besides necessary rationale, i will just stick to my intuition to judge on certain matter. For those exceptional cases who has been screened out by me in the future, very sorry, that's the reality. If we are meant to be friends, time will tell that we should become good buddies.
所以, 除了有必要的理性外, 我會依照我的直覺去判斷事情. 若有些事情是我判斷錯誤, 很抱歉, 因為現實世界也是這樣的. 如果我們有緣, 時間會告訴我們彼此, 說我們應該要成為好朋友.
Labels: Random Crap, Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 10:57 PM,
- At 10:15 AM, said...
Trust, love and true friendship do exist and are there to be discovered. Never let a tattler distorts your believe in these wonderful bonds between human beings. 'Mistakes' are part of the journey in your life and they will eventually make you a wiser man in the future! Take care out there!
- At 10:21 AM, teopag said...
micheal, thanks a lot for your suggestions. wish you all the best out there and stay happy with PS always.