Happy Deepavali
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Happy Deepavali!
Selamat Hari Deepavali!
In the mood of being lovelorn, so do not have any mood to do anything...
沉醉在失戀的情緒中, 所以沒有什麼特別想做其它的事情...
Aku tengah berada dalam perasaan putus cinta, tiada minat untuk buat apa-apa perkara...
長夜還未算夜 已足夠偷偷想誰
橫豎並未能入睡 就來及時盡情滴這滴淚
彷彿這一晚 並無下次 儘管多演一天 這軟弱女子
從明日開始 他故事到此 從明日開始 他再沒意思
無論懷念紀念 趁今晚消失之前
還差一點再一點 便能定能或能沒有慾念
明日如若清醒 也許再不需感情
如果必須要孤單 便留待明日才認命
從明日開始 不太遲
posted by teopag @ 1:11 AM,
- At 1:43 AM, said...
- At 3:17 AM, said...
my fren ... how down u can go or how sad u will be ... as long as u have a fren like me that will always keep u happy ... i may not have much experience or opinion .. but i have a pair or ears 2 listen and a mouth to comfort u !!!! tc fren ...
- At 12:47 PM, teopag said...
Thank you for your concern. No worries, i am fine. May i know who are two of you please?
- At 2:12 AM, said...
hello, it is a wonderful world, use your eyes to see and use your heart to feel it. It is full of warmest blessings from the people around you. All the best in your future undertaking.