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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!

31st August 2007 Merdeka!

This is the second time i am celebrating Malaysian independence day in Taiwan... How do i feel? Nothing... Haha...! I love my country very much, my friends and family are residing in Malaysia, however some bad incidents and issues happened all the hwile making me not happy about the government. For after 50 years of independence, we are still a developing country, those unfair and not merit-based policies should be reviewed and changed. We should change and move according to global development intellectually and socially, especially in science and technology development. If not because of Malaysia, i would not be what am i today.

Frankly those yells or slogans doesn't mean anything, hanging national flags on buildings, houses and vehicles doesn't mean patriotism anyway!!! If we love our country, we should not yell or talk only, put it in action please.
We should love the people around us, help our friends, care for our family and do not bring down the country name by doing shameful or illegal activities. Study hard, doing good research with good publications, be responsible for your job and family, and obeying country rules and regulations are what we can do. Low criminal rates, peaceful country, good living environment and people with high morality are more realistic than anything else.

Actually every country is having their own problem, "you see me good i see you good", anyway those are my wish for my country...

Hope that all of us still remember what is our Rukun Negara 国家原则 (National Principles):
1. Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan 信奉上苍 (Believe in God)
2. Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara 忠于君国 (Loyalty to King and Country)
3. Keluhuran Perlembagaan 维护宪法 (Upholding the Constitution)
4. Kedaulatan Undang-Undang 遵崇法治 (Rule of Law)
5. Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan 培养德行 (Good Behavior and Morality)

Nowadays living cost are increasing, petrol to daily consumerbles and food, even our knowledge... ;p, only our salary not increased, so "Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!" should be yelled in Cantonese as “物跌价!物跌价!物跌价!”

Happy Independence Day!
Keranamu Malaysia! Cemerlang, Terbilang dan Gemilang!

This logo is courtesy provided by Kean Jin, my best Malaysian friend in Finland!

Today, i can celebrate with my friends from Malaysia, Seok Kooi (my degree coursemate) and Shenq Huey (from University of Malaya), they are admitted to TIGP this year!

Happy birthday to King Hwa and Cheong Yee! Two of you just received the greeting calls from Taipei by Seok Kooi and me. :) Enjoy your big day!

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posted by teopag @ 9:42 AM,


At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pak Guan, I'm flatter.


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