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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!

22nd August 2007

22nd - 24th August 2004

We went to the meeting for 3 days..., initially was thought can be relax as the meeting was held in a grand cozy hotel... I can say this is the best meeting i have ever attended, it gave me the opportunity to see, to learn and to appreciate what others are working on at the moment... So many big-shots are there, i was like hey, i read his papers, oh this is how he looked like, ah he is old and etc... I got the chance to meet some Malaysian from University Malaya, my former university, they are doing well but are more to application approach. Our neighbour country Singapore is doing very well too, and on the last day only i verified that some of them are Malaysians too, hey what's our government is doing...?? Malaysian very can one leh...

Dengue vaccine is on second phase of clinical trials, soon it will be released to benefit those who needed. So many interesting findings are being reported and it would be a better future for everyone...

I would say so many people in the world are still studying this tiny creature aka dengue virus even though it existed more than a century ago... Research is very competitive as we saw other groups are working on the same target with similar approach as we did in our lab... We should work hard and will make it soon!

These are the pictures we took during the meeting... :)

During the meeting and with labmates...

Food during the meeting...

During the banquet...
The food is damn nice... abalone and lobster... :p

Around the hotel...

Saw these somewhere outside the hotel.., nice quotes and phrases...

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posted by teopag @ 12:14 AM,


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