18th June 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
This morning went for a hair cut.., quite okay la, the aunty remember me but no discount... haha...
I went to your house, but you were not well and need to rest, so i just went back to do laundry...
Your mum is making dumpling for the first time ho.., so i also play along... It requires some special skills, luckily i still remember what my mother taught me, my dumpling looked nice after some practice... Hmmm.., you seemed not very enjoying...
Although today is not according to what we have planned, but still okay la...
Don't think too much... Don't think too much... Don't think too much...
Faye is always the best, the only Pop-Diva in Asia... She is more than her beautiful vocal, she used her own alternative music style (not of the main stream pop music) to express her passion in musics, actually she is singing love songs, it just that they seldom have pop, ballad and sentimental feel...
Dedicate this song for You...
暗湧 王菲
作詞:林夕 作曲:陳輝陽
就算天空再深 看不出裂痕 眉頭仍聚滿密雲
就算一屋暗燈 照不穿我身 仍可反映你心
讓這口煙跳昇 我身軀下沉 曾多麼想多麼想貼近
你的心和眼口和耳亦沒緣份 我都捉不緊
害怕悲劇重演 我的命中命中越美麗的東西我越不可碰
歷史在重演 這麼煩囂城中 沒理由相戀可以沒有暗湧
其實我再去愛惜你又有何用 難道這次我抱緊你未必落空
仍靜候著你說我別錯用神 甚麼我都有預感
然後睜不開兩眼 看命運光臨 然後天空又再湧起密雲
posted by teopag @ 9:54 PM,
- At 8:00 PM, Weng Wah - 荣华 said...
start to fall in love? who is the SHE?