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2010 Watoto Care for Children Concert

Last night, i went for a concert at Activity Centre of Academia Sinica.
2010關懷弱勢兒童 Watoto兒童合唱團中研院音樂會
The concert was performed by Uganda Children's Choir "Watoto" Taiwan Concert Tour organised of World Vision. Currently, "Watoto" is having their Taiwan Tour in whole August 2010 and Academia Sinica invited them for a show here.

It is an African choir dedicated to improve the way of life for the children in Africa. The choir members are made up of children who have lost one or both parents to the AIDS epidemic or to war. Although their performances which are mainly a blend of gospel music and native African dance are very new to me. Frankly, i did not appreciate much on gospel songs. The performance was lasted for 1.5 hour. One of their performance in singing a Chinese song "感恩的心" really touched me. My body developed goose bumps when i heard the foreign accents blend with a familiar melody. The choir sing with their passion and present their talent together with a strong will of living to the audience. It was a great musical show!
After the show, i signed up for the Child Sponsorship Programme to sponsor a child.

This video clip is part of their Taiwan Tour performances uploaded by someone to YouTube.

作詞:陳樂融 作曲:陳志遠

我來自偶然 像一顆塵土
我來自何方 我情歸何處

天地雖寬 這條路卻難走
我還有多少愛 我還有多少淚
要蒼天知道 我不認輸

感恩的心 感謝有你
伴我一生 讓我有勇氣作我自己
感恩的心 感謝命運
花開花落 我一樣會珍惜

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posted by teopag @ 3:06 PM,


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