17th July 2009 Empress gifts 皇太后御賜
Friday, July 17, 2009
Empress gifted everyone two honey peaches today and here is the evidence.
話說今天皇太后御賜又每人兩顆水蜜桃, 這就是證據.
CCW and i were so sampat, really took pictures for proof...
寵鈞跟我都很三八, 還拍照存證...
Yesterday, i got a pineapple cake from her too, just because i am CCW's neighbour.
昨晚, 又意外的得到一塊鳳梨酥, 為什麼意外, 因為我坐在寵鈞隔壁...
Labels: 3517, Academia Sinica, Institite of Molecular Biology, Laboratory, Taipei, Taiwan, Teoh Pak Guan, teopag
posted by teopag @ 10:58 PM,