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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!

15th September 2006

This afternoon went for Applied Biosystem Seminar on Real Time PCR... Refreshed my knowledge on Real Time PCR, and get to know the latest application in this field as well... Yes you are right, got food again... hahaha...

Tonight went to Activity Centre to watch "A Night of Acrobatics" "特技之夜" performed by Acrobatics Company of the National taiwan College of Performing Arts... The performance are just spectacular, jaw-dropping and wonderful... We were worried of some of their dangerous stunts...
Their performance consisted of: Flag dance: synchronisation of waving flags and tumbling; Melody on the Hands: balls and rings dancing on the acrobat's hands; Rocking board: showing of their balance dexterity by performing series of acrobatic stsnts on a board above a log; Acrobatic clown shows: plates on stick bench; Show of hand-standing: display of hand standing skill; Happy Life: the funny whipping skill; Colourful Phoenix playing plates: plate dancing (since Han Dynasty) on hands of pretty acrobats; and finally Taiwan-My Motherland, My Love: Taiwan folk custom especially their native people living style showing contortion, fire dance, foot juggling, fire and blade circle, yo-yo and paradise of acrobatics... Sorry don't have camera to capture some images...
This was the second time i watch chinese acrobatic stunts live since 1989, the rest just watched on TV during CNY...

Typhoon might be coming tonight, but will just bring heavy rain to Taipei City... Just pity and worry about those people surrounding the Presidential House now... Today have another historical event, surrounding the city... They are holding candles and yelling slogan "A Bien3 Xia4 Tai2..." whilst walking surrounding the area... Ah Bien, how can you do nothing... Your face must be as thick as your stomach skin, no wonder the bullet can't kill you few years ago..!!!

Taiwan people really demonstrating what is democracy to the world, if this kind of incident happens in Malaysia, before the first one ever try to sit in front of the Prime Minister House, he or she will be straightaway be caught under ISA...
Even though some of us would said they are insane or crazy or not having stable political environment and what or what, but look at the good side, people in Taiwan are actually free to speakout their mind, they are the one who can determine who rule their country.., and yet they live in peace and harmony..!!! If our country can be half of their status by year 2020, then only we can claimed ourselves as "First World" country citizen..., if not facilities world-class but people mindset still pariah or low class..., Wawasan 2020 will never be realised unless miracle happens...

posted by teopag @ 9:08 PM,


At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pak guan, enjoy your PhD life there. Yes, Taiwanese know well about democracy and the function of the election. I agree this.
Malaysia still far away from this, just compare the MPP in Malaysia University and Student Union in other countries University; you can see the role of a graduate in their local society (for example).


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