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Hi everyone, this would be the place where I can get connected with my family and friends when I am abroad. Wish we can stay in touch always, and I will keep updating you my current life here... =) You are welcome to leave any message and comment here... Take care and have a nice day!

Canon IXUS 860IS

Whenever going for travelling or outing, either i borrow camera from friends, or they will take pictures for me instead. So finally, i bought a new one for myself, a new digital camera... Thank you Frank and Shenq Huey for accompanying me going to the shop near Taipei Main Station yesterday night.
之前要出去玩或踏青的時候, 我都會向朋友借照相機, 不然就請他們幫我拍照. 後來終於為自己買了一台數位照相機, 當作是給自己的禮物... 感謝方堯和聖惠昨晚陪我到台北車站附近的相機店.

Altogether camera + small cleaning kit + small table tripod + 4GB SDHC memory card + backup battery + LCD screen protector cost for NT9600 (Around RM960).
機身+清潔組+桌上小腳架+4GB SDHC 記憶卡+備用電池+影幕保護貼=NT9600 (大約RM960).
The original camera pouch is not nice, so i bought another one. I can take a lot of snapshots of myself with the wide lens!! ^^
原廠提供的相機包不好看, 所以我另外買了一個新的. 相機有廣角鏡的, 可以盡情玩自拍了!! ^^

Two of them bought a National Geography pouch too...


posted by teopag @ 2:02 PM, ,

River rafting at Hualien 花蓮秀姑巒溪泛舟行

After passing the Qualifying Exam, it is the time for Bryan to go for outing again... Haha...The destination is Hualien again, but for different purpose, this time is for river rafting!!! It has been planned a months ago by Frank for this trip, he was responsible for all the organising work and recruiting people from IMB. All the team members have been confirmed two weeks ago, they are: Frank and Bryan from 3517, Seok Kooi, YC, JC and Wanda from N311, Shenq Huey from 421, and YW from N214.

Why choose this day? It is mainly because Empress is away to Berlin for conferencing with other royal families all around the world. Hehe...

They departed from IMB on Friday after lunch to Songshan Railway Station.

Taroko Train took them to the destination, Hualien. They enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. Frank was very familiar with the route, he gave detailed description on all those geographical and artificial features along the way. He even brought his GPRS to record down their travelling route.

Inside the Taroko Train. 在太魯閣車廂內。

Taken with Frank and Seok Kooi. 與方堯及琡貴合照。

Arrival on Hualien Railway Station. David was waiting for them to load our luggage into his car. After loading our luggage, 8 of them walked to the night market for an early dinner. They got lost along the way, should not trust anyone even the local people, have to verify with the map on Frank's GPRS navigator.

At Zi-Qiang night market. 自強夜市。
A wide variety of fruit juice to be chosen for mix-and-match. 有多種口味的現打果汁,任君搭配。

Well-known dishes of Hualien: coffin-lid... basically fried egg-coated bread filled with different meat. You can eat like a burger. Another good recommendation goes to the barbecue stall, reasonable price with delicious food.

After that, they rushed back to the railway station for the next destination, Zhi-Xue. Each person NT14. They travelled in an old train along the inner railway track. The old train with ancient-design windows was furnished with old chairs and ceiling-fan. It was a good experience!

They stayed at the same motel again, 後山歲月"Back Mountain Years". After unpacking their luggage, Frank went to buy some sugar-cane-flavoured shreded ice for all of them. Bryan felt the taste was so so only, nothing special, but the others said the taste was special combining the yam ball with sugar-cane-flavoured shreded ice. Bryan didn't tasted the corn-shaped ice-cream... >.<
跟上次來花蓮的時候一樣,也是住在後山歲月民宿。卸下行李後,方堯就去買甘蔗刨冰給我們吃。我覺得普通並沒有很特別,她們卻覺得很特別,尤其是那些芋頭粉圓加上甘蔗口味的刨冰。啊,我忘了吃那個玉米形狀牛奶口味的古早冰棒啦... >.<

Night scene at National Tong Hua University. 東華大學的夜景。

On the next day, they woke up early in the morning. The driver Mr. Chen was waiting from 7.30 a.m. to bring them for the next mission, wild river rafting. Since it took some times before reaching the destination, Bryan decided to take a nap, so he didn't know what the others were doing, probably they were gossipping or discussing what's the next mission after river rafting. Upon arival on the destination, upstream of Shouguluan River, they went for registration at the counter. Each person ~NT600. After providing proper training and briefing on what to do during the rafting events, they were brought to the river site. Wow, it was pretty exciting!!

JC and YC, are you listening? Don't just take pictures only, please listen to what they told you.

Be prepared to go... 準備出發囉...

Frank, Shenq Huey and Power Ranger Seok Kooi... 方堯,聖惠以及金剛戰士琡貴。

Haha.., this is the proper way of sun-block protection.

Bryan 阿源

Hey, what are you doing? Why were you heading at the opposite direction? Want to take photos is it?

Good team work! 合作愉快!

Rest for lunch... 休息一會兒,午餐時間。

The food was not nice... 便當一點都不好吃... >.<

Best couple and best costume for river rafting, full sun protection.

A profesional car racer and a power ranger were participating in river rafting....Hahahaha... 專業的賽車手與金剛戰士也來參與泛舟活動,哈哈哈哈!

Bryan taken with YW and Shenq Huey. 阿源,郁雯與聖惠。

This guy next to Bryan was from another boat, his boat was flipped over and they accommodated him temporary while this picture was taken. 

After rowing and sun-bathing for long hours, finally they arrived at the downstream of Shouguluan River. After cleaning the body, they headed to the next destination.

Shitiping ("stone-step-level ground"), one of the tourist spots of east coast scenic sites. Because the rocks are oriented towards the sea forming many irregular stair case-shaped bays. The rocks are white in colour decorated with some dark colour stones. The scenery of Pacific Ocean was really beautiful. The ocean breeze brought away their worries, and provided them with wisdom and energy for facing the next task. Bryan wants to go there again in the future.

Walking in the snow...? 雪中漫步?

Cool.., sitting on the snow?? 好酷喔,坐在雪地上...

A giant suddenly appears in the middle of the mountains... 一個突然間從山嶽中冒出來的巨人...

Act cool... 扮酷,很會演喔...

See the beautiful scenery? 看到美麗的風景嗎?

Flowers of IMB. 分生所的四朵金花。

The next destination was Guangfu Sugar Factory. The ice-cream was delicious!
Hungry already... They went for clam dinner at a restaurant (sorry cannot recall the name). There were children playing in the pond catching the clams. Some even feeding the fish with baits.

Bryan was not interested in anyone of that, so he just be cool all the way. Ah, why most of the dishes were made of clams..? The fish was nice, the clam dishes was nice, the clam soup was nice, the vegetables was nice, the fish organ don't know, and the braissed chicken also don't know... Why don't know?? Because Bryan didn't eat ma...

What would be the next programme with filled stomach? Hmmm.., a fireworks show would be a good suggestion. Chen brought them to Liyu Lake for the annual musical fountain and fireworks show. Unfortunately, the show was cancelled due to the typhoon season. @#%$&*@# No rain and no wind, never tell people also, just put a notice and then it's cancelled...
填飽肚子後要去哪裡咧?嗯,去看煙火吧!老陳載我們到鯉魚潭去觀賞年度的水舞煙火秀。很不幸的是,煙火秀因颱風竟然突然取消。@#%$&*@# 沒風又沒雨,毫無預警下突然取消。

It had disappointed all the tourists who came purposely for the event, fireworks is only available on Saturday during the annual musical fountain event.... @#%$*#@#&
Ok lo, what to do... Go back and sleep laa...

Oh oh... bad news. Phoenix was approaching the island. (The name of the typhoon, not the bird okay... ) Taroko National Park will not be opened on the next day. So what to do? Then 8 of them decided to go back earlier on the next day.

After breakfast, they travelled back to Taipei by train early in the morning.

They were lucky as the train schedulle was cancelled 2 hours after we left Hualien. If they stayed, then they would have to witness the power of Phoenix in Hualien.
Next time must go to Taroko National Park!

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posted by teopag @ 8:12 PM, ,

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